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Lab 1: Setting up your web development environment

In this lab, we will go through the steps to set up your local development environment. We’ll install essential development tools such as Visual Studio Code and the Live Server extension. This will enable you to launch your own websites locally. You’ll also learn how to use ngrok, a tunneling tool that allows you to access your local development environment from anywhere. We will also install Postman and use it to interact with APIs.

Get ready to code, launch, and share your work!



  • Set up a web development environment.
  • Install and set up Visual Studio Code as your primary web development editor.
  • Understand and utilize the Live Server extension for launching local web servers from VS Code.
  • Install and configure ngrok to expose your local server to the internet for testing and sharing.
  • Discover the basics of Postman and its role in sending HTTP requests and interacting with APIs.
  • Create a GitHub account and establish your online portfolio.
  • Deploy your first website using GitHub Pages to share and host your work.

Lab Requirements

Lab Activities

1. Install Visual Studio (VS) Code

  • Install VS Code and create your first HTML code.
    • Create a new file. Name it index.html
  • Install the live server VS code extension.
  • Add Your Personal Header. Within the <body> section, create a header that showcases your name:
<h1>Your Name</h1>
  • Right click and select “open with live server”.
  • It should start a local web server on port 5500 or similar and serve the page and open it in your default web browser.
  • Take a screenshot

2. Deploy your first webpage into GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files directly from a repository on GitHub, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website. You’ll use GitHub pages to host your website directly from your GitHub repository at no additional cost.

Install git

  • Windows:
  • macOS:
    • Install Apple’s Command Line Developer Tools: xcode-select --install
    • Install Git with either Homebrew: brew install git or with MacPorts: sudo port install git

Create and publish your first webpage on GitHub pages

  • Create a repo named cpit-405-lab-1
  • Upload or push your index.html file there.
  • Enable GitHub Pages.
  • Visit the webpage at the hosted URL.
  • Take a screenshot

3. Install ngrok

Sometimes, we want to demo websites quickly without deploying them or hosting them on a server. ngrok ngrok allocates you a hostname and port in their server and securely tunnel your local web server to the internet using a publicly accessible domain. It creates a secure/encrypted connection between the public endpoint and your local machine.

  • Sign up for a free account on ngrok with GitHub.
  • Download and install ngrok
    • Windows: Download a standalone executable
    • macOS: Download a standalone executable or install it using Homebrew: brew install ngrok.
  • Follow the installation instructions to configure it:
ngrok config add-authtoken YOUR_TOKEN_HERE
  • Put your web app online at a domain forwarding to your local port 5500, by running: and run: ngrok http 5500
  • Visit the local web page from your smart phone.
  • Take a screenshot

4. Install Postman

Postman is a popular API client that makes it easy for developers to use, create, share, test and document APIs. We will use Postman throughout the semester to make requests and receive responses from web server and APIs.

  • Install and configure postman
  • Send HTTP requests to the test API httpbin.org
    • Send an HTTP GET request http://httpbin.org/get
    • Send an HTTP POST request http://httpbin.org/post
  • Take a screenshot


Submit screenshots of your work. All lab submissions are due one hour before the following lab begins.