Lab 11: Ajax (DOM, XML, JSON, PHP)
Ajax principle and when it is needed to be used and when is not.
Request and parse XML data/files
Generate XML data using PHP and retrieve it by Ajax
Request and parse JSON data
Generate JSON data using PHP and retrieve it by Ajax
Send POST request via Ajax
Current Lab Learning Outcomes (LLO)
By completion of the lab the students should be able to
Implement Server-Side script to serve client-side requests
Develop dynamic web pages using Ajax technology
Lab Requirements
Web Browser, Web Browser developer tools, Apache, PHP, MariaDB, and Text Editor
Lab Assessment
Use PHP to store below Table data as array with keys.
Translate the table below into JSON. - Hints: You may use PHP JSON encode method
Name Total Mohammad 4 Fahad 3.5 Use Ajax to requests PHP script using JSON format and display via Console.
Homework Due date week 12
Choose one part or your project to handle its contents using Ajax. The process will be as following: a JS event for example (click) to call a method that will request data from server using Ajax. The server handler (a PHP file) where located in controller folder will process Ajax parameters and call method from file within model folder that will retrieve or update data from/in database. This method should return array as request result.
So, the handler in controller will process the array and convert it into XML or JSON and print it out as request result. When the request finish from JS side it will process the request (either parsing XML or JSON) and use this information to fill related fields or remove some elements from the page when the Ajax request success; otherwise, it will display message state that the request failed.
Lab Description
This exercise is individual work. The answer should be written as text files with (.html), (.js) and (.php) extensions then submit including student ID and Name as a comment in beginning of the JS file.
Make sure you follow following file structure
id_first-name-cpit405-lab-assignment3 # Root folder
- views # sub-folder
- page1.php
- page2.php
- page3.php
- ...
- css # sub-folder
- style1.css
- style2.css
- ...
- js # sub-folder
- script1.js
- script2.js
- ...
- controllers # sub-folder
- controller1.php
- controller2.php
- ...
- models # sub-folder
- model1.php
- model2.php
- ...
- Documents # sub-folder
- db-install-statements.sql # Must be SQL format
- project-sketch.pdf # Must be PDF format
- project-description.pdf # Must be PDF format