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Lab 7

Asynchronous JavaScript (Ajax programming)

XMLHTTPRequest, Fetch with Promises, and Fetch with Async/Await


  • Consume an API using XHR, fetch, and async/await fetch
  • Use the DOM API to create HTML elements dynamically
  • Handle mouse and keyboard events in JS

Lab Description

Create a web page that consumes the unsplash API.

Unspalsh API


  • Step 1: Sign up for an API key

  • Step 2: Use Postman to test the API end point /search

    • Download and install Postman
    • Making API GET Request
      • Method:GET
      • URL: https://api.unsplash.com/search/photos
      • Headers: Key Authorization Value: Client-ID YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
  • Step 3: Write an application using HTML, CSS, and JS to fetch images from the search API endpoint

    • Fetch from the API using XHR, fetch with promises, and fetch with async and await.


Push your code into GitHub with a GitHub Pages enabled. Submit a link to your project hosted on GitHub Pages.