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Lab 8



  • Understand and use React fundamentals:
  • State management: Utilize the useState hook to manage the app’s state
  • Event handling: Implement event listeners to handle user interactions
  • Routing: Employ React Router to implement navigation between different components

Lab Description

Develop a React application that enables users to shorten long URLs into concise and shareable links. The application should have the following features:

  • URL Shortening: Takes a long URL and returns a shortened link.
  • Custom short URLs: Allow users to create custom shortened URLs, making them more customizable.
  • Create an About us page and use React router to navigate into it.

Link Shrinker App


  • Please submit a link to your project on CodeSandbox.io.
    • Create a project on CodeSandbox.io, be sure it is set to public, click on share, and copy link.